NTS Radio, 7th Feb onwards

I’m starting a new monthly show on NTS today from 1-3pm UK time. Feel free to join me (or completely ignore this)


Don’t Let Them Control You.

Yes. That.

The Protek edit sounded great


Thanks a lot! Love playing in their studio :slight_smile:

Only managed to catch a couple. I’m hoping for Consumerism Is But a Tool next month, but I’m not sure it was ever released.

You can listen back to the show here:


Loved it Bill! Been doing a deep dive to find Protek but literally coming up with nothing…any ideas? i’d like to reissue it on IOJ.

I wanted to license it for the After Dark that I'm currently working on but had absolutely no luck, mate. The info on Discogs is not exactly helpful is it?!

usually there’s something to go on, some tiny clue or lead but not with this one!

Only just got chance to listen back- great show. Loved the Gratts track, will have to keep a look out for it.

Liked today’s show Bill!

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Thank you. Love being in the studio doing these.

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In case anyone gives a shit, here’s the show from yesterday afternoon.


It’s a legendary show already due to the Broughty Ferry mentions :wink:

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I’ve DMed you and @jurasoundsystem with a good lead

Got it! Thanks mate. That is bananas :banana:

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Thanks mate! no response as yet…

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