Function One SS

I’ve been out of the loop for a while…so excuse foolish questions…
Just a quick query…

Is the Function one Sound System standard now in clubs/bars, in much the same way the Pioneer Decks are?

What is the best system for reproducing the vital frequencies of a dance record?
…That’s available…

Tx )

It’s fairly standard, although, as someone recently said ; ‘F1 isn’t the best system, they just have the best marketing department’.

Tx for your reply.
So, say, If I booked a space promoting a night, with the ocasional guest intl, DJ/Artist.
Would he/she/they be expecting it?
What’s the best system you’ve played on?


If you’re booking a high profile dj they will provide a tech rider of what they need. Not sure many will include the PA system on that ,though. It’s probably just a case of seeing what’s to rent in your area or, what the club you’re using already has. The best i’ve played on is Martin Audio - but that was a long time ago, i don’t play anywhere major very often… I’d ask Bill!

Tx, Spider…
You’re good to answer ! I’m just collecting info on Sound Systems. As I’m clueless now…)
Yes I’ll PM the Bill.