Albums of the year 2024

Hopefully not impinging into Furtive 50 territory…

Getting nearer to year end, whats tickled your fancy? I’ll go with…

Common Saints / Cinema 3000
Mudd / In the Garden of Mindfulness
Mildlife / Chorus
musclecars / Sugar Honey Iced Tea!

Still looking forward to Lawne / Attic


Leaving out compilations and re-issues,

I’d go for Nala Sinephro - Endlessness

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Pica Pau by Clan Caiman.

Synthesizing the Silk Roads: Uzbek Disco, Tajik Folktronica, Uyghur Rock & Tatar Jazz from 1980s Soviet Central Asia

MONGKOK DUEL colab by Mong Tong & Gong Gong Gong 工工工]

Akoma- JLIN

Qasr- Sheherazaad

Also really into the 2 song EP Cueva by NAP, aka Daniel Rincon. Techno/dub/Cumbia dreamscape…

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Magdalena Bay - Imaginal Disk

100 Poems - Everything’s Balearic When You Believe

Sholto - Letting Go of Forever

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Monty Luke – Nightdubbing
Pete Rock & Common - Auditorium Vol. 1
Floating Points - Cascades

and I used Ghost Dubs - Damaged to listen to my hifi system, not the other way round :slight_smile:


100 Poems, prolific outpt this year - 3 albums in 11 months, but the first is still my fave -Everything’s Balearic When You Believe

And I’m really enjoyng the new Sasha Foam album - Ilha Especial


No Furtive 50 on this platform this year @GrimsbyRiviera ?

After much deliberation and internal discussion I can now reveal that my favourite album of 2024 is… :drum: :drum:

Fuck No - Steve Cobby


If anyone wants to post comps as well feel free too, I liked…

Down to the Sea and Back Tres
John Gómez and Nick the Record presents Tangent
Naya Beat Volume 2
The Other Sound of Music: Forgotten Austrian Treasures from the 1980s

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I’ll add these to the pot…

The Emperor Machine - Island Boogie
Another Taste - Another Taste
Mr Beatnick - Ile Flottante
Crazy P - Any Signs Of Love
Lou Hayter - Unfamiliar Skin

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Nice choices - Emperor Machine and Crazy P albums were up there for me too!

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Sitting In Trees compilation by Basso was the best for me this year.

I think bigger comps can overwhelm me a bit and I can’t remember which tracks I play and then it doesn’t come out with me… the Thai reggae tune on Tangent is incredible though and worth it just for that


Havana Negra’s self titled album on Zanja is total Cuban dynamite. Pretty certainly my album of 2024.


Loving the insta feed round up inspired by this thread!